French Ring Sport

French Ring Sport is a dog sport involving jumps, obedience, and bite work. It is most similar to Belgian Ring, Campagne and KNPV, but also sharing common elements with Schutzhund, Service Dogs Of America and Mondio Ring. French Ring Sport rules are set by Groupe Travail Ring under the mandate of Commission D'utilisation Nationale Chiens de Berger et de Garde, a committee run under the patronage of the Société Centrale Canine.

To participate in French Ring Sport, a dog must first pass the Certificat de Sociabilité et d’Aptitude à l’Utilisation (Certificate of Sociability and Aptitude for Work) temperament test. French Ring Sport defines three earned levels, after earning a Brevet (Certificate) for Dogs of defense; Ring I, Ring II and Ring III. Each introduces progressively more difficult situations and makes greater demands from the dog. The trial is divided into three sections: Jumps, obedience,and protection.

When competing in Ring, the dog has no collar or leash on at any time except during the heel on leash. No food rewards or physical corrections are allowed at any time while competing. Also, excessive praise or petting will result in a loss of general outlook points. Points for an exercise will be lost for multiple commands, incorrect commands, or failure of the dog or handler to perform the exercise correctly. Control is emphasized from the moment the dog/handler team walks onto the field, until they leave at the end.

Ring Sport consists of a number of exercises. A dog that has been trained for Ring III level of competition will be able to do the following.


Quick Facts

French Ring Sport Quick Facts

Country of Origin: France
Purpose: Personal protection
Most Common Breeds: German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd, Belgian Shepherd Malinois, Doberman Pinscher
Developed: as a way of accurately testing potential breeding stock for working ability
Decoys: Men dressed in protective clothing to offer the dog a surface to safely bite.


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